Job offers

Open positions at Quantum Valley Lower Saxony

Join a QVLS-Q1 team as a PhD or team leader (postdoc) and contribute to one of the most advanced approaches towards achieving an error tolerant programmable quantum computer. The QVLS-Q1 teams will focus on all aspects of this moon shot project to build a 50-qubit ion-based quantum computer. Below you will find available positions in teams working on chip design and fabrication with integrated optics and electronics, electronic circuit design, laser technology and software design for various applications. 
QVLS-Q1 is part of an excellent research environment with access to the unique infrastructure of the whole consortium. The team is working in an excellent national and international network and is participating – besides QVLS-Q1 – in important large collaborative projects including the Excellence Cluster „QuantumFrontiers“

PhD Positions

No news available.

Other Positions

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